A smarter and better performing alternative to treble hooks on big game hard baits, the BKK Plugging Single HD Assist Hooks are a unique way to land more fish and enhance your presentation. These assist hooks come pre-rigged with a hollow core assist cord that enhances the hook’s freedom of motion. This design reduces the torsional forces often placed on standard treble or inline single hooks when biding with the split rings and hook hangers. The result is a reduced ability for the fish to throw the hook, turning more of your hard won bites into landed fish. The assist cord is attached to a solid ring to create and inline configuration when attached to the lure by a split ring. To enhance your presentation, the hooks are dressed with shimmering fibers that add a little extra flare and commotion to the lure’s swimming action. The hooks feature a forged shank and Bright Tin coating for excellent strength and corrosion resistance, while BKK’s needle sharp hand ground point offers superior penetration performance.